Daily Notes, From the Editor. Amanda married Joe on Saturday. My sweetheart came with me to the wedding, which was billed as a "spring party" so many guests arrived not knowing they were about to become witnesses, accomplices, protectors, defenders and partners in celebration of the bond we humans seek to forge with our chosen one by exchanging nuptial promises and sealing them with a kiss.
as you are
Daily Notes, From the Editor (440 words). Come as you are. You with the messy hair and fancy shoes. You with the styled curls and store-bought salsa. I want you here with me. Oh, your emotions have not yet landed? That's a relief, neither have mine. Oh, your story is still unfolding, uncertain, unknown? Thank goodness, me too. Come sit on my living room floor. Let's have a circle. The women behind Lucia gathered Friday night for tacos, mezcal, and May....
she says, for the butterflies
“We're planting a butterfly garden,” she says.How will the bees feel about this? Buzzing in the thatches of purple spear salvia, singularly focused, they won't pay mind to the construction in the next door lot. And the hummingbirds? They have the honeysuckle trumpets and sugar water hanging from the eaves.